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Tool #6: Wordle



Wordle is a website for creating word clouds generated from text that is input. The size of words often depends on the number of times they are input. They are input either by the creator typing in a

selection of words or by putting in a url to a website with some kind of RSS feed. The word clouds could then be saved in to a public gallery. They then can be added to websites using an embedding code. t could connect to the ALCOS English Language Arts "Production and Distribution of Writing" standard for Kindergarten; "28.) With guidance and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers. [W.K.6]."


Selection Criteria

I preferred the input of the text for this one and the ability to have random themes and shapes. The ability to embed the word cloud in to websites in order to easily incorporate it in to other parts of a lesson.


ALCOS Connection

It could connect to the ALCOS English Language Arts "Production and Distribution of Writing" standard for Kindergarten; "28.) With guidance and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers. [W.K.6]." Wordle is a publishing tool in which the children can input text to publish their representation and find the main ideas of texts.

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